

  Social anxiety disorder   Say it’s your first day at a new job.  Maybe you’re nervous or fluttery.  You want to make a good impression.  Those feelings are pretty normal, and may actually help you be more alert and careful.  But after a few weeks, once you’re used to the job, and you know your coworkers, that  nervousness usually dismiss, right?  Well, for some people that foremost anxiety is really high, and stays really high over  time.  For those people, the fear of being judged negatively by new people might be so daunting  that it affects their ability to do their job well.  In fact, even the idea of having to be somewhere where they may be overlook by others might  make them not want the job in the first place.  This describes social anxiety disorder.  It’s unclear what causes social anxiety disorder, but it’s thought to be a combination  of genetic and environmental factors, like having a close relative with social anxiety  disorder or being exposed to neglect or abuse.  The D


Double-checking things is a pretty common human behavior, like did I shut the garage door? Better double-check. How about locking the front door Double-check. Gas-stove and oven off? Double-check. We all do it. But what if you feel compelled to triple-check it, or even quadruple check it, or quintuple check it even, then it might be considered an obsession. Now, what if you have to do a certain ritual with the gas stove and oven before leaving the home each time, like: make sure the gas stove is off, wipe down the gas stove to clean it, double-check that the burners are off, make sure the oven is off, wipe down the oven to clean it, and then open the oven door to make sure no heat is coming out, and then leave the house. Then that might be a compulsion. What is OCD? Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a specific type of anxiety disorder characterized by these obsessions or compulsions. Obsessions are recurrent and intrusive thoughts that are typically unwanted and tough to get ou

Brief history ofAfganistan

HISTORY OF AFGHANISTAN Afg hanistan  nation of 37 million people has one of  the fastest growing populations on the  planet and will soon be more populous  than either Canada  or Poland it is bordered by Iran,  Turkmenistan,  Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China  and Pakistan.  Afghanistan is located at   the strategic crossroads as connected  Iranian  central and east Asian civilizations to  India. It is one of the most mountainous  countries in the world  however it is also home to a vast  network of rivers and fertile valleys  carved out by the massive snow melt  flowing from the Hindu Kush  and other mountain ranges which envelop  the country more than 4 000 years ago.The e farmers of this region began to  urbanize  little is known about these first  ancient city-states other than that  those in the north  in the land that became known as Bactria  were culturally connected to central  Asian peoples while those in the southeast were  heavily influenced by the Indus valley  civilization  wi